QuickBooks For Small Business Pros & Cons

QuickBooks For Small Business Pros & Cons

Not every small business can hire on an accountant to handle the books. If you, like many business owners, have taken on bookkeeping responsibilities yourself, there are many tools you can take advantage of to make your job easier. QuickBooks is one such tool. This accounting software is designed to cover small business needs. Some people love the program while others want nothing to do with it. Read on to learn more about why (or why not) you should give QuickBooks a try.

Pro: It is Inexpensive

Hiring an employee to keep track of your books forces you to pay a hefty salary. QuickBooks, on the other hand, is only a fraction of the cost of an employee. You can find the basic software package for less than $200, or pay monthly for as little as $12.95 a month. The monthly plan gives you added flexibility – pay for it and use it only as you need it instead of buying the full package (or paying for an employee).

Con: It is Finicky

Many QuickBooks customers complain that the program can be difficult to set up. It may take hours to get it running on your computer. Once running, the program can crash or run frustratingly slowly. If you use the online version, outages are possible, putting a crimp in your workday.

Pro: It Has a Strong Support Team

If you do have trouble getting QuickBooks to run, you can take some small comfort in knowing that the program is accompanied by a large support network. QuickBook’s support center will go out of their way to make sure your concerns are addressed, including reaching out through social media and product review sites. Because it is one of the most popular accounting software used in small businesses, there is also a large support network of everyday users. You may be able to find someone who has experienced the same problem you’re having without needing to contact customer service.

 Con: Upgrades Can Be a Hassle

QuickBooks puts out upgrades on a regular basis, offering new features and better performance. Unfortunately, many people would rather do without these upgrades as they are often a hassle to install. Changes to graphics and formatting may make you feel like you have to learn a new program all over again. The upgrades can be expensive too, especially if you try to keep up to date by installing each one as it comes out.

Pro: It Increases Productivity

One of the most common reasons for installing QuickBooks is to help increase productivity. In this area it certainly delivers. The program makes it much easier to negotiate accounts receivable and payable functions. You can easily create invoices, inventory reports, manage time entry, and more. Add-ons let you take care of payroll and help organize during tax season. Most versions of the program allow multiple users to access the information, giving you added flexibility. QuickBooks brings many different accounting tasks into one place, making it simple and easy to oversee your business’s finances.

Con: Lack of Flexibility

QuickBooks is designed to be easy to use. This is a huge plus to some people, but for accountants with their own methodologies it can be frustrating. You may be limited in how much information you can enter into the system and you will hit a limit to how many people can realistically use the program at once. Using this program limits you to the services it provides – if there is a feature you want that it doesn’t have, you are out of luck.

Depending on your specific wants and needs, QuickBooks may be the accounting software for you. You may also find its faults unacceptable, in which case you may wish to look at other programs. Despite its downsides, however, QuickBooks is a popular program that has helped many small businesses handle their accounting needs.

Sarah Jackson is an Associate Editor at Proformative.com.


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Posted by Taxmaster - May 12, 2013 at 6:56 pm

Categories: Federal Tax, Income Tax, State Tax   Tags: , , , , ,

What Are White Collar Crimes?


Usually, we associate the word “crime” with people killing other people, robbing banks, or stealing money from another person or establishment because these are the types of crimes that we hear and see on the news from day to day. “White collar crimes”, on the other hand, may be known but are usually unidentified. Simply put, people may be familiar with examples of white collar crimes but don’t actually know that these are classified as “white collar”.

White collar defined

The term white collar crime was first coined by Edwin Sutherland in 1939. In one of his speeches, he defined such crimes to have been committed by a person of authority in the course of his term. He further theorized that these criminals are different from street criminals when taking motives and attributions into consideration. Today, however, the definition of white collar crime is still a subject of contention among experts of law. In a general sense, though, these crimes are nonviolent and are committed for financial gain.

Examples of white collar crime

There are many examples of white collar crime, some of which are the following:

 1.       Blackmailing

This is an act in which a person threatens to expose secrets, pose physical harm to people or their properties, in exchange for money.

 2.       Bank fraud

This is when people engage in a scheme wherein the aim is to illegally obtain money from a bank.

 3.       Extortion

This happens when a person or a group of persons engage in unlawful acquisition of somebody else’s property, money, or other assets by violent force – either actual or threat.

 4.       Embezzlement

This occurs when a person who is in charge of handling money uses it for personal reasons.

5.       Racketeering

When people establish and operate illegal business for financial profit.

 6.       Tax evasion

When people or an individual intentionally commits errors in filing income tax in an attempt to refrain from paying higher taxes

The above mentioned examples of white collar crime are only few of the actual number of white collar crimes existing today. Aside from these, there’s also money laundering, securities fraud, cellular phone fraud, and many others. People who are charged with white collar crime must seek the services of a professional white collar crime lawyer in order to be duly represented in court.

Looking for a white collar lawyer

Just like in choosing a doctor, you have to choose a white crime lawyer with care. Remember, this is the person who holds your chances in his hands. If you wind up with someone whose knowledge is direly limited and has only been practicing since recently, then your chances of winning at court will likely be lower. Here are some considerations for choosing a white crime lawyer:

1.       Is he someone you are at ease with?

You will have to expose all the details of the incident to your lawyer – imagine doing that to someone with whom you are not even comfortable just starting small talk with. Make sure your lawyer makes you feel at ease and unthreatened.

 2.       Does his rate fit your budget?

During consultation, clarify whether charges are hourly or flat. This should help you get the right expectations in terms of budget.

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  •  License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images

Cedric Loiselle is a passionate and versatile writer specializing in a wide range of niches. It would help you a lot if you read his articles especially when you are looking for the best white collar crime lawyer New Orleans can offer, such as those under Ben Bagert Law Firm.


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Posted by Taxmaster - May 11, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Categories: Tax Evasion, Tax Law   Tags: , , , , ,

New Tax Laws Proposed For Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans. –Ron Paul 

Recently, there have been multiple states that have begun to consider legislation which would specifically tax hybrid and electric vehicles. The reason, they are arguing, is that gas tax revenue is expected to drastically decrease in the future due to greater fuel efficient vehicles. As such, with much of the funding that goes towards our nation’s roadways arising from gas tax revenue, some states fear that at some point, the revenue generated will not be enough to help cover the costs of maintenance and upkeep.

However, this has a lot of people up in arms, specifically those that own electric and hybrid vehicles. They feel that they are being penalized for going “green”, also that on average, green vehicles are significantly more expensive to purchase. Most of which, do not receive sales tax breaks for purchasing such vehicles. It’s felt that more effort should go towards saving tax payer’s money rather than creating new laws to tax people more.

So what should be done?

It’s obvious that everyone does need to pitch in to ensure our roadways are safe and maintained. This is going to take money, which does indeed have to come in the form of taxes. But is our taxing system fair? With gas taxes, those with lower efficiency vehicles as well as those that simply drove more were already footing a larger portion of the bill. But perhaps the time to reexamine our tax system for maintaining roadways has come. What follow here are a few ideas of different methods of taxing that may be more fair for drivers.

Highway Tax Based On Usage

One option that should be considered is a highway tax based on usage. The number of miles driven as well as the weight of a vehicle certainly determine the overall wear and tear on our highway infrastructure, and when it comes down to it, that is the reason we are being taxed right? Because through our use of it, roadways become worn, and as such, those that use roadways more frequently and drive heavier vehicles should be taxed more. It seems fair from the surface, but there would certainly be those that disagree. Mainly, companies that deal with freighting and transportation, but again, they are using it more and should be paying more as a result.

Weight would be an easy determination and could be calculated into a taxing system relatively easy. As far as usage is concerned, there have been ideas about reporting your vehicles odometer reading annually and being taxed off of that. Deepening on the total number of miles driven in a year dictates exactly what should be taxed. Anyone caught falsifying their actual reading can be fined or face some form of penalty.

Highway Taxes Separate From Car Ownership

Another idea is that even though a person may not own a car, they should still pay for the upkeep of our highway system. The reason being that even though they are not driving, they are certainly benefiting from proper roadways being in place. They may be taking the bus, or carpooling, but beyond that,  everything from the food they consume to the clothes they purchase and entertainment they enjoy at some point used roadways to make it’s way to them. Transportation in this country, and all that entails, is not free. There are costs, and we all benefit from it. For that reason we should all be chipping in to ensure our roadways are maintained and safe.

New Technology To Increase Roadway Longevity

There are those that feel rather than finding new ways to tax people for road maintenance, perhaps we should be investing in ways to increase the longevity of our roads. This can come in the form of new concrete compositions, or new materials that can be used altogether. In that way, the initial cost may be more expensive, but over the long run, the cost of maintenance and repair would go down. If this worked, we would not need to be taxed as much since once in place, roads could withstand a lot more wear and tear. This is sort of a proactive approach rather than a reactionary one, and should most definitely be considered by policy makers.

In The End

In the end, one of these options, a hybrid of them all, or other ideas should be considered. It certainly doesn’t make much sense to punish those for buying more fuel efficient vehicles when the trend in our country has been to become more fuel independent. If anything, a string of new laws taxing hybrids and electric vehicles will only result in the slowing of their acceptance by the public. Hopefully this will be resolved in the best manner and does not simply throw the burden onto a select few individuals. But as we know about the taxing system in this country, that is generally the case that occurs.

Featured images:
  •  License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1198014

The author of this article is Damien S. Wilhelmi. If you enjoyed this piece you can follow me on Twitter @JakabokBotch. If you are in need of a Colorado Brake Repair, be sure to check out one of the many AAMCO locations at AAMCOColorado.com.     


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Posted by Taxmaster - May 10, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Categories: Federal Tax, Income Tax, State Tax, Tax Law   Tags: , , , ,

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